F206 - Antimicrobial Pesticides This module explores public health pesticides, the jurisdictional divide between EPA regulation and regulation by the FDA under the FFDCA, and the treated article exemption. Enrollment in this course is valid for 365 days from the purchase date. Buy $200.00 Free Preview
1 Important Files and Forms F206 Resources 2 Introduction Introduction FREE PREVIEW 3 Lesson 1: What Is an Antimicrobial? Lesson 1: What Is an Antimicrobial? FREE PREVIEW 4 Lesson 2: FDA or EPA Jurisdiction Lesson 2: FDA or EPA Jurisdiction 5 Lesson 3: Preparing for Registration Lesson 3: Preparing for Registration 6 Lesson 4: Use Patterns and Data Requirements Lesson 4: Use Patterns and Data Requirements 7 Lesson 5: Efficacy Requirements Lesson 5: Efficacy Requirements 8 Lesson 6: Claims and Labeling Lesson 6: Claims and Labeling 9 Lesson 7: Pesticide Devices and Treated Articles Lesson 7: Pesticide Devices and Treated Articles 10 Lesson 8: Case Study COVID-19 Lesson 8: Case Study COVID-19 11 Conclusion Conclusion