F108 - Pest Control Devices This module discusses the scope of pest control device definition, federal requirements, and state registration requirements. Enrollment in this course is valid for 365 days from the purchase date. Buy $100.00
1 Important Files and Forms Important Files and Forms 2 Introduction Introduction 3 Lesson 1: Pesticide Devices Lesson 1: Pesticide Devices 4 Lesson 2: Overview of Regulatory Requirements Lesson 2: Overview of Regulatory Requirements 5 Lesson 3: Import of Devices Lesson 3: Import of Devices 6 Lesson 4: Device Label and Labeling Requirements Lesson 4: Device Label and Labeling Requirements 7 Lesson 5: Pesticide Device Producing Establishment Requirements, Recordkeeping Requirements for Devices, and Child-Resistant Packaging for Devices Lesson 5: Pesticide Device Producing Establishment Requirements, Recordkeeping Requirements for Devices, and Child-Resistant Packaging for Devices 8 Lesson 6: State Regulation of Devices Lesson 6: State Regulation of Devices 9 Lesson 7: Device-Related Inspections, Non-Compliance, and Penalties Lesson 7: Device-Related Inspections, Non-Compliance, and Penalties 10 Conclusion Conclusion